Booking Antonio

Antonio Sacre is a stealth whirlwind. His stories reach across cultures and into the heart of the family. He can perform in English, Spanish, and annotated versions of both languages. Drag him cross-country from venue to venue, and his enthusiasm never lags. Wherever he goes, stories grow in his wake. After he is done, audiences leave in twos and threes, sharing the stories and memories that he has brought to their minds, ones that now beg to be told.
— Terrance V. Mc Arthur, Fresno CA County Public Library
Click for the thumbnail for information on Antonio’s offerings.

Click for the thumbnail for information on Antonio’s offerings.

Price Lists


Los Angeles-local

2-3 Student Assemblies (1/2 Day) — $1600

Classroom Visits (1/2 Day) — $1600

Professional Development (1/2 Day) — $1600

Family Literacy Night — $1200

1-Day Residency (includes assemblies, either classroom visits or PDs, and family night) — $4000


2-3 Student Assemblies (1/2 Day) — $2300*

Classroom Visits (1/2 Day) — $2300*

Professional Development (1/2 Day) — $2300*

Family Literacy Night — $1800*

1-Day Residency (includes assemblies, either classroom visits or PDs, and family night) — $6000*

* Plus travel costs


Antonio will always try to work within a school’s budget. Please inquire about possible discounts!

Interested in having Antonio visit your school or community?

Fill out the form below to get in touch!